Equip Classes

Topic Based Classes for all Ages

Equip Classes

EQUIP classes are designed to equip and encourage people to grow in their knowledge and application of God’s word to know God more deeply and passionately. They are intended to equip people with biblical truths and practical tools that every disciple needs to know, such as biblical foundations, theology, or Christian living. Our classes are 12-week topic-based classes that allow people to attend a class of their choice. They are designed for people to come and invite others at any point during the semester. Classes are offered in the Fall and Spring.

Classes Begin August 18th

9:00 Service Time:

  • How to Share the Gospel (Room 300) - Teacher: Mathew Haywood
  • Apologetics: Defend the Faith (Room 301) - Teachers: Justin Palmer / Shane Osborne
  • "In His Image" Women's Study (Room 302) - Teacher: Sarah Oliver
  • Biblical Theology (Room 305) - Teacher: Micah Sugg

10:30 Service Time:

  • Biblical Worldview (Room 301) - Teacher: Trevor Williams
  • How to Study the Book of Jeremiah (Room 307) - Teacher: David Eaton