Special Easter Service Times Join us this Easter Sunday, April 20 at 8:45 am & 10:30 am!

Adult Ministries

Discipleship at Westside

Westside's Mission and Purpose is to make disciples by helping people know, follow, and serve Jesus here and around the world. This means that everything we do is centered on the gospel and the command to make disciples (Matt. 28:19). A disciple is a learner and follower of Jesus, formed to display Jesus and replicate themselves. Our goal to help people know, follow, and serve Jesus is to make, mature, and multiply disciples of Jesus. At Westside, we are committed to walking with God's people in growth, care and equipping them for ministry work. Discipleship can happen in many different ways, and we provide many aspects of our ministries to encourage deeper growth along your journey.

Sunday School / EQUIP Classes

On Sunday Mornings, we offer bible study opportunities for college, adults, and senior adults. Classes are offered during both 9:00 am & 10:30 am Service Times.

Sunday School Classes are age-based, conventional classes.

9:00 AM Sunday School

  • Room 303 - Ladies Only 60+ (Friendship Class)
  • Room 308 - Adults 50+ (Teacher: Smotherman & Combs)

10:30 AM Sunday School

  • Conference Room - Ladies Only 60+ (Teacher: Debbie Adams)
  • Room 302 - Adults 40s-60s (Teacher: Jason Carson)
  • Room 308 - Adults 60+ (Teacher: Praise Class Teachers)

EQUIP Classes are topic-based, and attendees rotate every semester.

New Classes Starting Sunday, January 12

9:00 Service Time:

  • How to Share the Gospel (Room 300) - Teacher: Mathew Haywood
  • Apologetics: Defend the Faith (Room 301) - Teachers: Justin Palmer / Shane Osborne
  • "In His Image" Women's Study (Room 302) - Teacher: Sarah Oliver
  • Biblical Theology (Room 305) - Teacher: Micah Sugg

10:30 Service Time:

  • Biblical Worldview (Room 301) - Teacher: Trevor Williams
  • How to Study the Book of Jeremiah (Room 307) - Teacher: David Eaton

Small Groups

At Westside, small groups aim to help one another be DOERS of God's Word and not just HEARERS only. Without community, it can be very easy to come to church, sing some songs, listen to a sermon, and then leave without it having any impact on our lives. The hope for small groups is to change this by bringing people together to discuss the previous Sunday's sermon and help one another apply it to their lives. So, in short, small groups are sermon-based and application-based groups.

If you are interested in leading a Small Group, contact Pastor Luke Henry.


A Discipleship Group, or a “D-Group,” is a gender-specific, closed group of 3-5 believers who meet together weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation. Groups meet for 12-18 months with the expectation that participants will start their own group. They meet on a weekly basis to help each other grow and mature spiritually and to hold each other accountable. Some weekly habits are bible reading, scripture memorization, journaling, prayer, and accountability. Through our D-Groups, we are creating an intimate setting of intentional discipleship that puts high emphasis on accountability, commitment, responsibility, and expectation. Each believer who goes through a D-Group will experience personal accountability, mutual edification, and spiritual enrichment. If you want to be in a D-Group, your first step is joining a Sunday School Class or Small Group. If you would like more information, please get in touch with Pastor Luke Henry.

Meet the Team

Luke Henry, Associate Pastor

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning Adult Ministry, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!