Deacon Nominations We are taking Deacon nominations until Sunday, October 13th. Click for nomination form

Our Mission

Why are we here?

Our mission at Westside Baptist Church is to make disciples by helping people know, follow, and serve Jesus here and around the world.

We exist to make disciples of Jesus

Jesus’s final words to His disciples were “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). Our mission as a church begins here. We are a people who desire to make Jesus’s final words our first priority.

How will we make disciples?

I. By helping people KNOW Jesus (Matthew 7:23; John 17:3)

To be a disciple of Jesus, first and foremost, means that you have a relationship with Him. Being a disciple doesn’t just mean that you know facts or information about Jesus; rather, being a disciple means that you know Him personally. Our desire at Westside is to help people do just that. We want to help people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and then come alongside them in order to help them have an active, intimate, and growing relationship with their Lord and Savior.

II. By helping people FOLLOW Jesus (Luke 9:23; Eph. 5:1; 1 John 2:5b-6)

To be a disciple of Jesus also means that we follow Him, or in other words, we seek to imitate Him. In the first century, disciples had one primary task, and that was to do everything possible to be exactly like their rabbi (teacher), and the same is true for us today. As followers of Jesus, our great aim and calling is to be as much like Jesus as we possibly can. This is no easy task, but you are not alone. Our desire at Westside is to help people conform their lives to that of Christ. We want to help equip and encourage you in your aim to be like Jesus.

III. By helping people SERVE Jesus (Eph. 4:11-12; Phil. 2:3-4; Romans 12:3-8)

To be a disciple of Jesus also means that you seek to be the hands and feet of Him today. One cannot talk about Jesus without mentioning His heart to love and serve others. This should be the heart of His church today as well. Our desire at Westside is to help people discover their gifts, develop their gifts, and deploy their gifts. 

Where will we make disciples?

At Westside, our aim is to make disciples HERE AND AROUND THE WORLD. Jesus’s vision for making disciples is both a local and a global vision. When God first spoke to Abram, the plan to reach the nations was communicated clearly (Genesis 12:3). Throughout all of God’s Word this is a focal point; God desires to reach the nations with His glory. At Westside, making disciples does not end in our town; rather, our desire is to equip and send people to help further the mission of the kingdom throughout the world. (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)

Will you join us?

Wherever you are in your journey with Christ, we would love for you to come and be a part of what God is doing at Westside.