Special Easter Service Times Join us this Easter Sunday, April 20 at 8:45 am & 10:30 am!

Our Story

In June 1981, approximately 60 people met at Murray City Park to discuss God's will for their future. That day marked the beginning of what would be known as Westside Baptist Church. In the fall of 1981, the people purchased the old Baptist Student Union building on North 15th Street adjacent to Murray State University. On October 4, 1981, Westside Baptist Church was officially chartered under the sponsorship of First Baptist Church of Murray. The charter membership numbered 152. From 1981 until March 1991, the people met and worshiped at the North 15th Street site. During that time, the membership grew to over 400, and a second Sunday morning worship service was started to accommodate the growing attendance. On June 3, 1990, the groundbreaking ceremony was held for a new Worship Center and Educational Fellowship Facility on a ten-acre site located on Robertson Road South. On March 3, 1991, the first service was held in the new facility. In 1995, additional education space and a Christian Activity Center were added, preschool and youth wings were added in 2006, and a worship center renovation was completed in 2023.

God has greatly blessed Westside Baptist Church, and its history is rich with a willingness to adapt and follow God's will for the sake of His glory. While our history is rich with God's blessings in the past, the people of WBC are excited to see what the Lord has in store for the future.